Japanese Politics Discussion
After lunch today a friend and I finalized plans to travel to Kyoto on this Saturday during the weekend off from JFMF programs. We will take the bullet train to Kyoto and then tour the old city that was spared during the WWII bombing. After the tour we will take the bullet train back to Tokyo. Then, I will spend Sunday in Tokyo. After this interesting transaction, we had the honor of listening to a discussion by two Japanese politicians in the Diet (the Diet is the Japanese equivalent of the US Congress. Mr. Yuji Tsushima of the House of Representatives and Mrs. Wakako Hironaka of the House of Counselors held a discussion about current issues confronting the Japanese people and government. The Japanese government is set-up like the British parliamentary system, not like the US governmental system. It was an honor two have these two leaders of Japan give us an hour and a half of their time. Below is a picture of the two speakers.
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